Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Concept, the Purpose, and the Standards of PE100 ASIA


The concept above, developed by Oliver N. Gomez, shows the idea of the PE100 SYSTEM™ ASIA.  The concept aims to offer program choices in PE. Several curricular programs have already been identified - IPE, AdPE, APE, MPE, and LPE. For extra-curricular activities after school, PE100 SYSTEM™ also aims to offer several choices such as recreation, wellness, sports, dance, and leadership activities. The school curricular and extra-curricular programs will be supported by off-school choices such as commercially for-profit activity providers, the private sector, community non-profit organisations, student organisations, and the PE100 global school community. Finally, to build a healthy and active lifestyle, we emphasise our core values - activity preference, motivation, leadership, and adherence.


A widely accepted definition of Physical Education states that it is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote the optimum development of an individual physically, mentally, socially, emotionally,and spiritually through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities. The purpose of PE is active participation in and out of school throughout one’s lifetime. 

PROPERLY SELECTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES. PE100 SYSTEM™ interprets the last phrase in the definition of PE as PREFERENCES of all involved in the selection process following general guidelines such as the availability of facilities and equipment, safety, and faculty. PE100 SYSTEM™ empowers learners to become part of the selection process aside from school authorities. Units or lessons are classified as “a must” or “a can”. The “Must Do” units are essentially mandatory carefully and properly chosen by school authorities while the “Can-Do” units are essential electives that are carefully and properly selected by learners.

THE GOAL OF PE PROGRAMS IN SCHOOLS. PE100 SYSTEM™ aligns itself to the main purpose of Physical Education’s existence in the academe. We believe that our core values are the key to successfully achieve the goal of PE and guide schools to its real purpose.

PREFERENCE. Children are unique. They are individuals and no two children are alike; physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually, each child is a unique individual (UNICEF, 2001). Each child has a unique liking or fondness towards physical activities. This is the reason why PE100 SYSTEM™ is introducing CHOICES.  

MOTIVATION. Physical activities are intrinsically motivating in nature. However, forced learning, whatever type of it, greatly demotivates learners. PE100 SYSTEM™ makes PE an intrinsically motivating learning experience because we value our learners’ activity preference. As equally important, our gamified approach also takes PE to a whole new level and this is an extrinsic motivation for our learners.

ADHERENCE. Physical activities that fit the preference of learners and at the same time enjoyable and motivating are more likely to be adhered.  Learners develop habits in living a physically active life when schools and authorities follow this simple equation: Preference x Motivation = Adherence in physical activities and exercises.

LEADERSHIP. At PE100 SYSTEM™, we educate learners to be leaders in health and physical activities. Leaders know their activity preferences. They are motivated to be active. They have developed habits to adhere to their physical activity programs. And more importantly, they influence others to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

LIFESTYLE. PE100 SYSTEM™’s goal is to guide our learners to develop their preference in physical activities and exercises, motivate them intrinsically and extrinsically, help them overcome the barriers of adherence in their physical activity programs, become leaders promoting healthy lifestyles, and live a fun-filled purposeful healthy and well lifetime.


With the absence of a governing body that could create the most anticipated future “Physical Education Standards in Asia”, most schools rely on standards created in Western countries. The 2013 UNESCO final report on World-wide Survey on School Physical Education suggested that policies and practices are subject to localisation and/or local interpretations, and that there is no “one size fits all” solution (UNESCO, 2013). What works in many Western countries may not work as efficiently and effectively in Asia.

With this, PE100ASIA has come up with its own academic standards based from our core values and philosophy statements.  Our partner schools may adopt these standards to create their own benchmarks.

Standard 1. SAFETY. The motivated learner adheres to the general policies for safety and well-being in all physical activities.

Standard 2. PROBLEM SOLVING. The motivated learner recognises strengths, acknowledges weaknesses, and acts to overcome setbacks.

Standard 3. ADHERENCE. The motivated learner demonstrates adherence to his/her physical activity preferences.

Standard 4. SELF-RELIANCE. The motivated learner demonstrates self-reliance in physical activities when working independently or with a group.

Standard 5. GOAL SETTING. The motivated learner sets goals focused on education and behaviour change leading to physical activity outside of class.

Standard 6. EVALUATION. The motivated learner evaluates himself/herself, his/her environment, engagement, enjoyment.

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